Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Preparing for Easter: Looking at Sin

For the past few weeks we have been dedicating each week to a topic that will help prepare us emotionally and spiritually for Easter. This past week on Twitter we explored the topic of Sin. In case you missed the tweets here they are (hit the scripture links to read the scripture in its entirety):

      When reflecting on these reminders about the topic of sin we are taught the following:
      • Sin is NOT something to play around with or take lightly.  Sin wants to captivate.  We must rule over sin.
      • God's response to sin is wrath.  God did not spare the angels that sinned, the world nor cities.  God takes sin very seriously.
      • Sin has always took a sacrifice.  Before Christ died for our sin's for the ultimate sacrifice, animals such as bulls were sacrificed.  Some of these had to be done daily.
      • Jesus' purpose in coming to this world was to save us all from our sin!
      • Just as we want Christ to forgive us of our sin's we must forgive others that sin against us.
      • If we confess our sins, do not conceal them, and ask God for forgiveness God WILL FORGIVE!

      Next week will explore the topic of Repentance.

      You can follow these topics throughout the week through Twitter @kelly_saylor also!

      We hope that throughout this Easter season you gain a better understanding of the meaning and are truly able to be a part of this wonderful celebration!

      *For more information on Sin read the Post: Our Enemy

      Editor's Note: The Community Care ministry provides emotional and spiritual support. There is a pastor or community care leader available to speak with you today. If you have questions regarding the Community Care ministries please contact communitycare@mecklenburg.org or 704.598.9800 x 121. You may also learn more at the Community Care website and our upcoming events page.

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