Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas and New Years!

Let's do better this holiday season.  

Let's not let Christmas and the New Year pass us without realigning our thoughts and searching our hearts.  Let's ponder and treasure what this time of the season so uniquely expresses far greater than any other time of the year.  

Here are few of my thoughts:
  • Christmas - Reminder of the greatest gift that was given
  • Christmas - Death does not Conquer because of the one that was born to die
  • Christmas - The greatest thing ever given to us will never be found under a tree but was found hanging on one.
  •  New Years - Our time on earth is short and our time is a gift to be used
  •  New Years -  With the new year coming we need to leave behind aspects 2011 that keep us from our true purpose -Philippians 3:13-14
  •  New Year - Our true purpose year after year is simple and will bring so much true joy -
    Ecclesiastes 12:13

We wish you a very blessed Christmas and New Years and pray that the true meaning of these holidays shine forth for you and your family!

What are a few of your thoughts? 

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