Thursday, June 21, 2012

What do you believe is the purpose of life?

What do you believe is the purpose of life?

I know, it is a very big question and one I ask to many different people.

I get a lot of different answers:
To be happy and do good.
To make a positive contribution on the world.
It is different for each person, you just follow your path. 

Recently, I have had two people in my life die.  When I was young I told my parents I wanted to grow up to be one of these people (he had all red vehicles and spent all his time on the lake).  I thought that was what life was about and wanted to emulate that!  The other individual that died was more of a grandmother to me, one that taught the importance of a handwritten thank you note and the value of hard work.  In fact, she never stopped working.  As she was on her deathbed I brought up the topics of God every way I thought I could and she would not speak about the topic.  

So, what do you believe is the purpose of life?  How are we to spend the days we have?

I believe we make life so complicated when it really is simple.  

I also believe the answer to this question is found in the Bible in the book of Ecclesiastes.  

Specifically, Ecclesiastes 12:13.

Go ahead and look it up and see if you agree.   

Life is fleeting and it is important to have peace with the purpose of why you are here on this earth.  Before you spend your days at the lake playing or spend every day working at the office, be sure that is the purpose you are here.

Editor's Note: The Community Care ministry provides emotional and spiritual support. There is a pastor or community care leader available to speak with you today. If you have questions regarding the Community Care ministries please contact or 704.598.9800 x 121. You may also learn more at the Community Care website and our upcoming events page.

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