Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Marital Jokes

Within Community Care we work with marital couples probably the most. I love to work with couples, premarital and marital, but marital is my favorite. For years now I have studied various theories on marriage, marriage techniques, cultural viewpoints on marriage and Biblical viewpoints on marriage. All this to say I have come to a conclusion:

Marriage is great and I highly recommend this union. 


I say that humbly and carefully. I also say that compassionately to those of you whose marriage may have not been what you desired and ended in divorce. As you may imagine, the majority if not all the married couples I work with are close to a separation and or divorce. And even though this is the case, my conclusion is still the same. I believe Gary Thomas in his book, “Devotions for a Sacred Marriage” says it best:

God designed and created marriage as a lifelong institution between one man and one woman, and he calls most of us into this estate. The fact that he created marriage and called us into marriage makes this estate a holy one, a right one, and a spiritually healthy one. We should humbly surrender to God’s will. Armed with this understanding and insight, even the most difficult of marriages have value. God designed this relationship. God called you into this relationship. Therefore marriage – with all its joy and all its trials, all its comforts and all its sufferings, all its happiness and all its pain – is good.

Since this is the case, and God created marriage I want to encourage you within something. Lately I have come to realize how many marital jokes are told and the overall viewpoint of marriage within our media. I encourage you to speak highly and respectfully of marriage. If you are married recognize the sacredness of this union and honor God with your actions and your words. If you are not married, respect this union between your family and friends and encourage them also to honor this relationship.

Remember, marriage is God’s creation and let’s be careful how we speak about something that God has created.


Community; 704.598.9800 x 121

Gary Thomas - Devotions for a Sacred Marriage

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