Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Twitter Rewind!

If you are on Twitter you are aware of the process (say everything you want to say in a tweet (also known as saying everything you want to say in 140 characters or less)!  If you are not following alone on twitter here are some examples of what you can find: 
  • Give ALL things 2 God (I give this sadness 2 u, I give this success 2 u, I give my sin 2 u)...it gives me PEACE...what can u give God 2day?
  • Faith never knows where it is being led, but it loves and knows the One who is leading - Oswald Chambers
  • Matt. 11:29-30 *We r not 2 carry the burdens of r life & Christ's burden is LIGHT! What r u doing w/ ur burdens 2day? Give them 2 Christ!
  • Romantic feelings are strong, but fleeting and tricky. Don’t serve your feelings; make your feelings serve you – Gary Thomas
  • What is God showing u right now? Look back on past week, month, year. How is God molding u or calling to u?
  • What r some spiritual disciplines that impact u? 4 me, weekly memorization of scripture & daily writing down 5 things I am thankful 4
  • It is today for which we are responsible. God still owns tomorrow. - Elisabeth Elliot
  • Challenge: 1 Peter 3:9 - every time you are hurt or annoyed by someone this week try to quote this before reacting!
  • How do u reach others 4 Christ? Tell ur story! B the witness Christ called u 2 be...u r the ONLY 1 that can tell this story!
  • People tend to criticize their spouse in the area they are most desiring love. – Dr. Gary Chapman
  • Abundance often invites more anxiety, not less. Put in a new carpet & see if you have the same attitude when someone walks into your home – Gary Thomas
  • Is your relationship with Christ the relationship that you put the most energy into? If not, what relationship is taking Christ's place?
  • “The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” - George Bernard Shaw
  • “A diamond is just a piece of charcoal that handled stress exceptionally well.” - author unknown
  • We don’t “fall” in or out of love; we deliberately choose to act on feelings. Thinking & behavior feeds affections—both ways – Gary Thomas

Twitter can be used as a vehicle to learn more about your passions and have questions answered.  This includes about Christ!


Start following us today on Twitter!  @MeckChurch

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