Thursday, August 29, 2013

Overcome - What I CAN Do

The following is a post from one of our Celebrate Recovery leaders.

Very wise words!

When struggles are many and life is filled with challenges, I have found it helpful to focus on what I CAN do.  When I shift my focus from what I do not have or when I am not getting what I want, I CAN make a choice to be grateful and reflect on all that I have been blessed with.

I CAN be a positive influence on the lives I interact with today.
I CAN give myself a break from people that sap my energy today.
I CAN have healthy boundaries, without isolating myself.
I CAN have a high regard for my mental health and take steps to ensure my happiness.
I CAN find joy in small things.
I CAN take good care of myself by making positive decisions.
I CAN enjoy peace and rest.
I CAN say no if I am uncomfortable.
I CAN have healthy boundaries with the unhealthy people around me.
I CAN create a plan B for dealing with difficult situations.
I CAN continue to believe that God holds me close to Him during my struggles.
I CAN control my own thoughts, actions and reactions.
I CAN be happy even if I am not getting what I want today.
I CAN be calm in the midst of chaos and resist the temptation  to be swept up in someone else's negativity.
I CAN be thankful for the disappointments because I knew I have tried.
I CAN take life one day at a time.
I CAN let it go and give it to God.
I CAN be happy whether the people in my life are acting as they should or not
I CAN be the light that shines on another life and especially my own!
I CAN pray.
I CAN read an uplifting book or passage.
I CAN call a trusted friend.
I CAN go to a Celebrate Recovery meeting (and more than one if I need to!)

By focusing on what I CAN do it shifts my thinking to the positive and gives me power over my thoughts and actions.  This causes me to pause, giving thanks to God and appreciating my blessings and my struggles.

What can you do today to enhance your life, to change your perspective and turn your struggles into blessings?

Celebrate Recovery meets at Mecklenburg Community Church every Wednesday!

Let us know if you have any questions about this group!

Editor's Note:  The Community Care ministry provides emotional and spiritual support.  There is a pastor or community care leader available to speak with you today.  If you have questions regarding the Community Care ministries please contact or 704.598.9800 x 121.  You may also learn more at the Community Care website and our upcoming events page.    

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