Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Preparing for Easter

Today is Ash Wednesday.  This day marks 40 days before Easter (Sundays not included in the count).  Many Christians will choose to refrain from something in honor of the sacrifice Christ made.  This sacrifice is meant to remind us of our sin and what Christ did for us to take care of our sin.  In case you are new to Ash Wednesday, the Biblical meaning of Easter and Christ (or if you are currently exploring these topics) for the next 6 weeks until Easter we will be exploring topics to help you better understand Easter as a whole.  The topics that will be explored will include:

Jesus' Life
Jesus' Death
Jesus' Resurrection

You can follow these topics throughout the week through Twitter @kelly_saylor also!

We hope that throughout this Easter season you gain a better understanding of the meaning and are truly able to be a part of this wonderful celebration!

Editor's Note:  The Community Care ministry provides emotional and spiritual support. There is a pastor or community care leader available to speak with you today. If you have questions regarding the Community Care ministries please contact or 704.598.9800 x 121.  You may also learn more at the Community Care website and our upcoming events page.

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