Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Mentors: Marriage (Part 2 of 4)

Last week we explored what Spiritual Mentors were and how to be involved within being a mentor or mentee.  This week the focus is on Marriage Mentors

Within Community Care at Mecklenburg Community Church, trained marriage mentors are available to help you at every stage of your relationship.  This includes three major areas:

1)  Preparing:  Mentoring Engaged and Newlywed Couples
2)  Maximizing:  Mentoring Couples from Good to Great
3)  Repairing:  Mentoring Couples in Distress

The training that our marriage mentor's go through includes topics such as:

*Building Rapport
*Working as a team
*Asking Meaningful Questions
*Telling Your Stories
*Praying Together
*Common Subjects to Explore with Your Marriage Mentorees
*And much more!..

If you are interested in receiving information on how to obtain a marriage mentor, how to become a marriage mentor or simply want additional information about the program please contact today!


The Complete Guide to Marriage Mentoring - Drs. Les & Leslie Parrot

Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts - Drs. Les & Leslie Parrot

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