Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Seven Year Itch Proof!

In the recent article Making a Mess of Marriage by Dr. Tony Evans, he wrote about a recent example of how marriage can change throughout the years:

Year 1 - "Sugar dumpling, this cold is making you mighty uncomfortable. Won’t you let your lover boy take his baby to the doctor to get rid of that nasty cough?”
Year 2 – “Darling, that cold seems to be getting worse. Call Dr. Miller.”
Year 3 – “You’d better lie down, dear, and rest with that cold before the baby wakes up.”
Year 4 – “Be sensible now and take care of that cold before it gets any worse.”
Year 5 – “You’ll be all right. Just take some aspirin. By the way, how about ironing these pants for me to wear today?”
Year 6 – “Would you do something about that cough, instead of barking like a seal?”
Year 7 – “Woman, do something about that cold before you give me pneumonia!

    This gives a whole new understanding why the "seven year itch" can be something couples face! What if this did not have to happen? What if in fact this was not God's design for marriage?  If we turn on the TV, radio, or walk by any magazine rack we are faced with messages about marriage with some common themes such as how to be satisfied in marriage and how to have your every need met.  Also, have you ever heard, "he just does not treat me like he use to" or "she use to be so affectionate but now she will not come near me".

    What if the problem was not the marriage but the expectations we bring in to marriage?  What if we could have a blueprint of what marriage was created for, adjust our expectations to meet God's expectations, and through this process grow not only closer to our spouse but to God?  Interested?  If so, Community Care will be starting a marital enrichment group this Thursday called Sacred Marriage.  Come and find out what being a God-centered spouse looks like.

    “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.”  This is a profound mystery—but I am talking about Christ and the church. 

    (Ephesians 5:31 - 32, NIV).


    Gary Thomas, Sacred Marriage (Zondervan).

    James Emery White, And the two shall be done (Serious Times).

    "Making a Mess of Marriage", Tony Evans, Start Marriage Right, March 15, 2011.

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